The following is a message for every busy woman who wants to have more healthy energy but can’t find time to take better care of herself. Men are also welcome.
Hi, my name is Dorianna Peterson and here’s the TRUTH you need to know about Looking, Feeling and Living Younger!
Why do I want to share the secrets to anti-aging?
Becoming a grandma rocked my world! I want to be around to watch my granddaughter grow to womanhood, hold my great grandchildren and beyond. I want to share my knowledge of longevity with other women who want the joys a long, healthy life brings.
The biggest hurdle you have to overcome is that you spread yourself too thin taking care of everyone else and don’t have the resources to find the best way to treat your own body. This is a huge deal for you because you aren’t taking appropriate actions to rejuvenate yourself! It means you are feeling substandard and can’t seem to get out of the rut.
Maybe you think you are too busy to learn how to bring your body into harmony with nature and feel less stressed. You’ll wait until your job is easier, your kids are grown or you retire. You are in overwhelm and can’t take on one more thing.
And, worst of all, many a busy woman can’t get past the belief that our bodies have to suffer and become decrepit and feel old, tired, wobbly and creaky as we age.
Nothing could be further from the truth!
If you’re a busy mother or grandmother who wants to feel and live younger with more healthy energy but can’t find time to discover how to best care for yourself, here’s the solution you’ve been looking for…
Better Body Basics 101 Modules are brief and to the point. You can easily incorporate them one by one and start your own process of experiencing vibrancy, self-appreciation and fulfillment in your life. Put on your own oxygen mask first! Enjoy being in your body. Then you will be of service to, instead of being in servitude to, those you love. Honor yourself, relax, and let the energy flow through you. Allow your feminine right brain to come online and flourish to balance your masculine left brain. This is how you are meant to live.
What has prepared me to share my transforming information with you?
My mother, a doctor, never taught me this, and your mother probably didn’t teach you either.
My scientific and medical background includes PreMed in College, teaching biology and general science in a secondary school in Ghana, and working as a medical laboratory technologist in hospitals and laboratories for 16 years. I then transitioned into holistic alternative healing modalities, and have melded them all.
Back in the early 1980s I had this AHA! that we can extend our lifetime on the planet living in healthy youthful bodies.
And for more than 30 years I have attracted experiences and practices and studied extensively to demonstrate that possibility for myself and for my massage, skin care and nail therapy clients.
I have become familiar with the interactions of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.
I have embodied the concept that we don’t have to experience degeneration and can increase our healthy vibrant longevity with natural energetic methods.
When I was turning 70 my very first grandbaby arrived. She is so awesome and inspiring that I now know why I want to remain youthful and energetic-to enjoy activities with her as she grows and develops. When you hold a baby, or even look at a baby picture, I know you’ll understand what I mean.
I have figured out what works to slow, stop and even reverse aging, and I want to share it with you so that you can do it too, and even pass it along to your children and grandchildren.
That’s why I founded – to gently lead you down the path of Rejuvenation and into the Fountain of Youth.
If you’re a busy mother or grandmother who wants to look, feel and live younger, understand this:
There are 2 ways to approach the rest of your lifetime
Take Action NOW to begin your adventure and enjoy your own Better Body!
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